The Tax Department reminds that companies that are listed in its annex on Assessment and Collection of Taxes Laws (Details of the Obligation to Accept Payment Means by Card) Decree of 2021 (KDP 259/2021), of the obligation to accept means of payment by card upon completion of payment transactions.
The refusal to accept payment by card or the setting of a minimum transaction amount for card acceptance or card acceptance only for transactions for certain products, constitutes a breach of the provisions of the Decree.
The administrative fine for violation of the provisions of the Decree can be up to €4.000.
Addition of new economic activities in the annex of the Decree
85.10.2 Kindergartens (private) (KDP 446/2021)
85.52 Cultural education (KDP 446/2021)
74.10 Specialized project activities (KDP 446/2021)
49.32 Taxi operation (From 05/05/2022) (KDP 52/2022)